To the left, a person looks at their smartphone. To the right, a smartphone displays the "return" page in the Libby app.

Libby Tips & Tricks

8 fun secrets in the Libby app & how to find them


Easter is over, but there are more than a few Easter eggs hidden inside the Libby app. Not the colorful chocolate kind, but a hidden digital surprise that may not be obvious, but is always a delight to discover. One of my favorite tech Easter eggs involves the open book emoji. On an Apple device, the tiny lines inside the book may look like scribbles, but it’s actually text that reads:

open book emoji

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is...

While there’s no hidden text in Libby (in fact, hopefully you know about the options to make text easier to read!), there are some little-known gems that may surprise even a super user. The developers of Libby are constantly working on updates and improvements so readers can more easily access digital content. Along the way, they’ve created some ways to customize the app, save time or just have a little fun. Keeping readers top of mind, the goal has always been to make reading simple, accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Ready to go hunting for some of Libby’s fun features?

Flowers for early returns

Flowers for early returns

As a fun thank you, tap the bouquet after you return a title early and enjoy a flower explosion. You get a lovely bouquet of flowers, and the next person in line gets to read the book faster.

The number of flowers increases as you return more books. You can see your flowers anytime by going to the menu, tapping Libby under “Help & Support,” then scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Libby icon color

Change the Libby icon color

Want to customize Libby? Choose from 5 different skin tones by tapping the Libby icon at the top of the main menu. Your selection will be saved the next time you open the app.

Suspend all holds at once

Too much to read or too little time to read? Get your holds under control by suspending them all at one time. On your “Shelf,” tap Actions, then tap Suspend All Holds. To resume your holds, tap Suspend All Holds again and move the slider all the way to the left.

Swipe gestures

Use swipe gestures in the audiobook player

You may know about the controls in the audiobook player, but did you know that you can also swipe left and right on the cover of an audiobook to skip ahead or go back? The further you swipe, the more time is skipped.

Spin a book cover

Before you open a book you’ve borrowed from the library, you can tap the cover and swipe side to side to make it spin. Why not let that book show off with a little dance before being read?

Change library colors and names

Library colors and names

Customize the colors of your libraries in Libby to help differentiate your cards if some look too similar. Go to the menu, tap Manage cards, tap Actions on the card, then Change Library Colors.

You also can rename your library card. For example, "CLEVNET" is the name of a library consortium, but to be more familiar, you may want to change it to your particular library branch, like "Rocky River Public Library."

Use Libby on a desktop or laptop

Looking to use Libby on a desktop or laptop? You can use Libby in a web browser by visiting The desktop experience is mostly the same as the app. The biggest difference is not being able to download content and read it in Libby offline.

Rotate to landscape on small screens

Rotate to landscape mode in Libby

While Libby looks best in portrait mode, there may be reasons why switching over to landscape will enhance your reading experience. Small screens, magazines, read-alongs or accessibility concerns may encourage you to allow Libby to rotate with your device.

On the Libby menu under “Settings,” tap Accessibility Features. Under “Orientation Locking,” switch to System Orientation to use landscape mode. While in this mode, the navigation bar is removed and replaced with a compact navigation button to free up some space.

Want more fun Libby tips & tricks? Subscribe to Libby Life for a weekly email with app updates, book recommendations and more.

Published May 24, 2023


About the Author

Annie Suhy has been working in the book industry since 2006. When she’s not working, practicing yoga, or petting cats, she’s doing paint-by-numbers and buying more plants. An avid poetry fan, her favorite collection is "The Splinter Factory" by Jeffrey McDaniel.


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